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Should You Worry about Silver Fillings?

Fillings are a pretty common procedure in the dental world, and most of us wouldn’t worry if we had to get one. However, do you ever wonder why fillings vary in price from office to office? One factor that contributes to this difference is the material being used for the fillings. Some dental offices may offer cheaper prices but use amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings. Over the years, some concerns were raised about these types of fillings.

For the last 150 years, a dental amalgam has been the most popular and effective material used for fillings. Dental amalgam is a mixture of metals including 50% mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Mercury is used due to the fact it allows the material to bind more effectively. It also hardens quickly and can withstand biting and chewing. So, why is there a concern for these fillings and should you be worried?

Mercury is a metal that occurs naturally. Everyone is exposed to it through air, drinking water, soil, and food. Adverse effects happen depending on the degree of mercury you are exposed to. At low levels, you are unlikely to have any ill effects. If you are exposed to it at higher levels, you’re likely to face adverse effects such as anxiety, irritability, memory loss, headaches, and fatigue. Many are worried that amalgam fillings expose one to too much mercury. Studies were conducted due to this worry, and it was found that amalgam fillings are completely safe. Individuals are actually exposed to mercury more due to environmental factors such as air, water, and food, rather than fillings. See the FDA report here.

Now with that said, you may have noticed your dentist being very careful about silver fillings. This is because they work with these fillings almost everyday, exposing them to mercury levels more than the average person. In rare cases, people have also had allergic reactions to the mercury in amalgam. Despite these facts, the FDA has classified silver fillings as safe to have.

If you’re still worried, there is an alternative called Composite Resin or White fillings. These fillings are usually tooth colored and are a plastic and glass mixture. Though a bit pricier, aesthetically they look much better than silver fillings because your dentist can blend them in a way that matches your natural teeth color. If you’re in the Northridge area and are looking for a dentist, please contact us and book your appointment!



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